The answer is there... you just have to listen

For the past week or so, I've been totally re-energized and itching to start writing again. Last week, I made the commitment to re-launch my book and start planning for the next one. At the moment I said "Yes", despite my fears and anxieties, confirmations have been coming faster than I can keep pace.

Today I found an e-mail message that's been sitting in my inbox unread for the past month. After following the link, I ended up at this post on the Art of Sensitive Living blog. The following sentences felt as if they'd been written just for me:

Do you ever feel a surge of positive energy about something, but then your mind quickly jumps in and says “That’s not for you,” or “Who do you think you are?”

We have glorious visions for ourselves and our lives. These visions come from our intuition. Our inner guidance KNOWS what it is we are here to do, share, and create, and who we are here to be.

Think about that book you’ve longing to write. That project you’ve been dreaming about. Or that business you’ve been wanting to start FOR-EV-ER. Your intuition is saying YES!

But your mind keeps saying No. Uh-uh.

This is the surest path to life dissatisfaction I have ever seen.

If you are called to write, you MUST write.

Well, I guess that settles it!


Jenna Avery said...

Hey Syd,

I DID write that for you (and others just like you)!

I can't wait to hear how your writing goes.
